
Dec. USA

12/19 day 1
in n out burger - 訪tracy -  jet lag

12/20 day 2
record Scarlet! 在沙漠
christmas light @ rancho cucamonga with Kim &Katie

12/21 day 3 (end of the world!?)
Samash 樂器行逛逛
watched Zomebieland

12/22 day4
Disneyland !!!! 9:00-22:00

12/23 day5
奶奶家聖誕啪 -food koma

12/24 day6
和Amy, Justine lunch at dimsum . - Cue - Shopping!
Church - after party at Chris' - 2nd afterparty Justine's

12/25 day7
看悲慘世界 -外婆家聖誕趴踢 - Kimmay's

12/26 day8
lunch with Becky - Target!!!! - Eric's mom's - sunset

12/27 day 9
band meeting for music video - 回家睡午覺
clubbing -ish(?!)

12/28 day 10
car fixed - picnic at a small park with <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">- home party with family - play wii - super tired for zero reason.. :S

12/29 day 11
little tokyo lunch @ OROCHAN ramen - hollywood - melrose (urban outfitter + starbucks)+ sunset blvd.(rainbow house)

12/30 day 12
Krazy noodles thai food - go home packing - drive down to SD - dinner was ppppizza!
Jacuzzi - sleep

12/31 day 13
san diego free breakfast  at resort - walking on the beach - super huge new york steak - SD live music (Gaslamp) for new years eve

